Are low back extensions the back pain silver bullet?
Some call back extensions the silver bullet to back pain. Are they crazy or is there some merit to this claim? TLDR: People who spend little or no time extending their back experience more back p...

How do I do standing back extensions?
Back extensions have been shown to be one of the best preventative movements we can do for our low back. It loves it. Why? Our backs love to extend but often in our modern lifestyle we don't give ...

One magical movement to prevent low back pain
If you could know in advance that there was one simple thing you could do that would dramatically reduce your chances of retiring early, taking time off work, or having to go to the doctor. Would y...

Back Pain Facts Quiz (Questions & Answers)
Unhelpful beliefs about LBP are associated with greater levels of pain, disability, work absenteeism, medication use and healthcare seeking (Main et. al. 2010). Unhelpful beliefs are common in peop...

What you believe about back pain might cause you more pain.
What people commonly understand about back pain is outdated. Commonly held beliefs like bed rest, pain medication and surgery have been proven to be less effective and more risky than taking an act...