Back pain: Strong drugs & X-rays "counter productive"
On the 1st of September 2022, The Australian Commission on safety and quality in health care released a clinical care standard for Low back pain in Australia. You can view their announcement panel...

Dynamic Desk Company Limber is expanding, offering Australians working from home a chance to beat back pain and move more while they work. Limber has been serving New Zealand customers for the pas...

Is Your Work Set-Up A Pain In The Back?
Almost all back pain is easily diagnosed, treated and there are easy ways to prevent yourself from hurting your back in the future. Bart explains 5 Physio tips to get your back pain sorted.

Radio New Zealand Interview Bart About Limber!
Read Radio New Zealand's article and listen to the interview.

Read reviews from people using the Limber Mini.

Which Computer Screen Should I Get?
Three fundamental areas to think about when getting a screen for your Limber and examples to help you with your screen selection.